Vacancies & Opportunities
Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) & Research Assistant (RA)
Vacancies & Opportunities
Project Title: Enhancing Calculus Competence Among University Students Through Game-Based Instruction
No. of RA / GRA: 1
Source of Funding: TAR UMT Internal Research Grant
Allowance: RM 2,000.00 per month (2 years)
Project Title: The Use of Improved Generative Adversarial Network on Ads Generation for Malaysia Code Mixed Ads Messages
No. of RA / GRA: 1
Source of Funding: TAR UMT Internal Research Grant
Allowance: RM2,000 per month
Project Title: A Holistic Approach to Understand Women’s Loyalty in Postnatal Care (PNC) Service
No. of RA / GRA: 1
Source of Funding: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
Allowance: RM 2,300.00 per month
Project Title: Developing a Graduate Employability Module Using Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Competencies and Soft Skills
No. of RA / GRA: 1
Source of Funding: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)
Allowance: RM 2,300.00 per month
Project Title: Simulation Model & Digitalization of Local SME Manufacturing Factory
No. of RA / GRA: 1
Source of Funding: Industrial Grant (ICA 40 Sdn Bhd)
Allowance: RM 2,500.00 per month
Project Title: A sensitivity-enhanced impedance-based sensor for the detection of cancer biomarker carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA).
No. of RA / GRA: 1
Source of Funding: TAR UMT Internal Research Grant
Allowance: RM 2,000.00 per month
Project Title: Malay Speech Emotion Recognition Using Linguistic Information
No. of RA / GRA: 1
Source of Funding: TARUMT Internal Research Grant
Allowance: RM 2,000.00 per month
Project Title: Development of functional gel using pea protein isolate
No. of RA / GRA: 1
Source of Funding: FRGS
Allowance: RM 2,000.00 per month